Monday, June 1, 2009


You wouldn't believe this even if I had told you over the phone and then mailed you blue prints about how this was to be done and then meet with you for coffee to discuss further details........ Okay maybe you would - BUT THIS ONE IS INTENSE!!!

Hollywood here. This is the plan guys. So Didd
y has always said during each of the interviews that she would hate to
be on the other end of these because of how ridiculous my questions are. I believe them to be quite unique and well thought out - but then again I have yet to answer one of them myself..... SO - Today I am going to surprise her with her very own "STEP UP TO THE MIC" ---- WITH DIDDY!!!

Here's the plan gang - I can't do this alone. And hosh gosh my tosh I can't pull this off without some sort of back up..... SO here's what we are doing.

ACCORDING to Diddy we are doing our long awaited interview with "RED" - she is as we speak preparing her questions. Red has been notified by myself to go along with any message she may receive from Diddy - in case she is checking up for some questions.

And STILL - I need more help. So to further your excitement - I brought in someone to help me out with Interviewing Diddy............. Readers - Allow me to welcome back to the "STEP UP TO THE MIC" stage................................. MEDLEY!

Medley: HEY!!!

Alright - so we have our questions....... And Medley is now on the line - let's give Diddy a call :D

(Phone ringing)

Diddy: Whassup Hollywooooood!

Hollywood: oh ho - nothing much. You ready for this one?

Diddy: Oh yah. I have some good questions.

Hollywood: Oh but there is going to be ONE change to todays interview though.

Diddy: Change? What!?

Hollywood: Today instead of Red stepping up to the mic with us it's going...........


Diddy: WHAT?!

Hollywood: YOUUUUUU!

Diddy: Oh man!! What - WOW! I can't believe this hahaha! That's soo un real!!!

Hollywood: Alright Diddy - so are YOU prepared to "STEP UP TO THE MIC" with Medley and Hollywood?!

Diddy: Yeah!! Oh man - I can't believe this is happening!

ALRIGHT - so to start off we have our warm up questions has usual!

Trunbone or guitar:Guitar hands down but acoustic

Aladdin or Prince Eric: Aladdin

Dancing a babooya or singing Sheep is Deep: Dancing the babooya for sure! 100%!! No offence!

Roasting marshmelo’s or Camp Grilled Cheese: camp rilled cheese

Camp site bay or Chapel point: Chapel Point

Medley: Are you coming to camp this year? If yes, what will you be doing?

Diddy: I sure am! I am going to be the Blaze mayor for my THIRD summer!!

Hollywood: Now Diddy, since you have been on the other side of the interviews I have decided to ask you classic Hollywood questions that others have had the unfortunate opportunity to answer!!!!

Diddy: hahaha Oh no!!!

NOW --- If you were a Juke Box – What song would you sing to me?

Diddy: Sing to youuuuu – hmmm dang – I would sing………….. UMMM I don’t know I feel like I’d have to think of something amazing! Im thinking something Kelly Clarkson…. Hmmm what song would I sing….

Medley: Swiss sings Kelly Clarkson allllll the time!

Diddy:Im going to go with “A moment Like this” -- Might be funny Im singing this too you but I would sing that!

Medley: Is there anything you would like to say to Blaze campers and staff?

Diddy:Aaahhh THAT I AM SO EXCITED TO COME. Blaze staff… me and Shuffle have written you all wonderful letters, but we didn’t get the chance to send them… so if you come to camp, you will get it! Whoopsies. And blaze campers YOU’re THE Best!

Hollywood: What would YOU say to God – If he sneezed while you were talking to him?

Diddy: Oh – ummm - I don’t know - medley and swiss said bless you and gozzoonhiet so I feel there are no other options! UMMM – sneezing? Maybe it would make me sneeze – possible – no one has been around when he sneezed – Maybe like a yawn

Medley: WAIT- he would yawn while you were talking??? How rude!!!

Diddy: HAHAH no no – Yawns are contagious – like you yawn when someone else does! Maybe you sneeze when he sneezes!

Medley: You're going somewhere special - Where to? And what will you be doing there?

Diddy: I’m going to JAMAICA… AHHHH. Well, we’re going to be helping build a roof on a church that is for 3000 people… and we’re painting some of the rooms (every morning). And we will be going to either an orphanage in the afternoon or going to a girls home/halfway house/ prison for girls 12-18 or an infirmary (like an old folks home for really sick people). AND we’re visiting churches in the evening and doing worship and drama and different things like THAT!!

Hollywood: Between 1 and 10 – would you consider me FUN or a Tenor?

Diddy: Haha – ummmm –

Medley – wait – I didn’t hear it

Hollywood: Between 1 and 10 - would you consider me FUN or a Tenor?

Medley – wait – that’s sooo confusing

Hollywood – hahaha I know!!!

Medley – oh man

Diddy - I would give you a 5? – that’s it!! I don’ even know!! I can’t pick!

Medley: What is your favorite place at camp?

Diddy: In all of camp… what time of day is it? S: morning…. If it is 6:25 when I’m walking over to morning meeting, when the sun shoots over the lodge and there is all kinds of white in the sky. Favourite place!

Hollywood: If you can Tune a Piano – why can’t you Tune a Fish?

Diddy: Oh gosh!!! Because fish if you were to tune them ---- nope --- haha Im too literal for these questions….

Hollywood – well theoretically Fish have scales don’t they!!

Diddy: oh man!

(diddy ask’s her brother)

Biddy: You wouldn't need too -Because they ALREADY have sooo many scales!!

Hollywood: A man of my own heart hahaha

Medley: What are you most excited about for camp?

Diddy: I just like being around a lot of people all the time that are having fun and I love Blaze. AND I love Babooya and I love camp. And I love all of those things together at the SAME time!!

Hollywood: Would you prefer a Square pizza in a round Box?

Diddy: I WOULD like to have a question mark pizza in an exclamation mark box – I think I helped answer this one when you asked it last time! No fair!

Medley: What are you most excited about for your trip to Jamaica?

Diddy: I (sigh, can’t believe I’m going) am excited to see Mr. Brown. He was there 5 years ago when I was there working in construction… and he is still there so I am so excited. Well, there are just soo many things that I am excited about… A LOT A LOT… that I could go on and on!

Hollywood: Would you rather – Rock and Roll or Roll a Rock?

Diddy: ROCK AND ROLLLL – and yeah… haha That’s like another either or Hollywood!!

Hollywood – Well I apologise haha But I appear to be the one giving the questions here thank you very much! haha

Diddy – Well just wait for it to be your turn!

Medley: What do you do while you're not at camp? Spring time? Fall time?

Diddy: Well, I go to Jamaica… and I play with friends at church, and I visit my friends in Toronto and we go to baseball games…. And I get excited for camp! I work a bit too. And this fall, I go to school… at Ryerson University for Social work

Hollywood: She's a very social person haha

Diddy: I like to work socially for lots of people all the time.

Hollywood: If you were a delicious fruit smoothy – what country would you wish to be served in?

Diddy: Hellooooo Jamaicaaaa – And it would be called “GUAVA A-GO GO”!!!

Hollywood – I actually had one of those this week!!!!

Diddy- SWEET you went again?!

Medley – Where is this place?!

Diddy – It’s called – Papaya Hut on Young Street in Toronto!! It’s sooo good!

Hollywood – It’s sooo good!!! (*hollywood has been 3 more times since this interview.. once more and he gets a free smoothy :D)

Medley: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Diddy: Um, a person that hangs out with people and helps them have fun in life. (pause)… also known as a social worker.

Hollywood: Now for a fan favorite - If you could be Shuffle for a day – What would you do?

Diddy: Glory in the fact that I could get to hang out with Diddy all day!! hahaha. I would wear a pink hat and be REALLY lanky for the day – and I would ---- hmm I don’t know! What kind of thing can shuffle do that no one else can? Oh I would ride Gloria (my beautiful pony) all over camp!! Oh I would steal cookies from the kitchen at camp – and I would hang out with ALLL the Blaze campers at camp!! Because it’s the best place at camp i could possibly be!! haha

Medley: What is the craziest thing about you that nobody from camp knows about?

Diddy: Ohhhh I asked Romeo this and he bakes! Okay. I have never done Karaoke at a Karaoke place BUT, I do it all the time … at my house! All the time… REALLY LOUD!

Hollywood: What type of free styling is best?

Diddy: The kind where – ummm- you spin around in circles staring up in the stars and then fall down and say everything that comes to your mind!!

Medley – That sounds Fun!!!

Diddy - Yeah – we should all do it some time!!!

Medley: And this is my last question for you Diddy -- WHAT, is your most favorite Camp memory?

Diddy:My favourite camp memory was… when I was deputy in Explorers, filming the pirate movie… it was just REALLY fun being a pirate and saying “YAR” a lot. That is one of the best memories… it’s up there with lots.

Hollywood: Alright Diddy..... I have brought back old questions to send you to the other side of these interviews - and now I have created one SPECIFIC question for you!

According to your theme song – your name is spelled – The “D” the “I” the “D” the “D” the “Y” the “D” the “I: the “D”…… Now what DID Diddy do? It spells “Diddy Did” What DID you exactly do?

Diddy: Haha I think it’s what I am showing them!! I think when I walk up to the front of the dining room I am showing! (**Diddy would also like to add: whatever i "DID", they've been calling me "crazy" ever since...)

HAha - ALRIGHT - this has been our SURPRISE "STEP UP TO THE MIC" with Diddy and Hollywood - featuring Medley - and interview Diddy.... hahaha

There are more interviews to come folks! Pre camp in T-minus 25 days!


This is Diddy and Hollywood... AND MEDLEY!...... Signing out.......... Keep on swingin AC!