Friday, May 8, 2009

BONZAI Steps Up!!

Ladies and Gentlemen - WELCOME to the very next edition of "STEP UP TO THE MIC" with Diddy and Hollywood............ Now we say very next because.................... Well - because it is the next one..... Directly after the one from before.......... so this one would be new........ ahem - ANYWAY!

We have brought to you interviews spanning out from Mayors - Deputies - Program staff - and today - still keeping it spicy and ever sooo nicely - We bring to you a man who without talking is known to many of us as "The VOICE"............ Now I say without talking ---- because he sings ........ He's really good... Like really good..... ahem any way....

We bring you..........................

WOOOOPSY..... teehee... Wrong guy.......... But if we were in a tight jam - THIS would be the right guy...... I call him "Sher-Cluck" ..... I know penguins don't cluck - but their sound sounds like a honk - "Sher-Honk"?? No dice.........

BONZAI !!!!!

Welcom Bonzai! We hope you are ready for these EXTREMELY thought out questions that were NOT thought up within 22 minutes!!

And as usual - we start you off with a few warm up "either - or's"

Diddy: Read a good book or watch a good movie?
Bonzai: Oh man, tough question. Both.
Diddy: You can’t
Bonzai: What? I like both of them exactly the same. Read a book alone, watch with others.

Diddy: Star Trek or Star Wars?
Bonzai: Star Wars except for the new Star Trek movie. I’ve never seen a Star Trek.

Diddy: Flip flops or Running shoes?
Bonzai: Oh, flip flops hands down. Flippy-floppy.

Diddy: Lasagna or Spaghetti?
Bonzai: lasagna

Diddy: Mango or banana?

Bonzai: Ooo… hmm…. I’d have to say Banana

Brilliant!!! And now on to the toughies!!

Hollywood: As an artist of the music variety I figured you could give us the answer to this historic question............
What does Honky Tonk REALLY mean?

Bonzai: Hmmm that IS a great question!! And I belive honky tonk refers to the twang sound of a guitar string strung or a piano playing!

Diddy: What will you do at camp this summer?

Bonzai: I’m going to be the worship leader and sing songs in the Crow’s Nest.

Hollywood: Are you the Walrus?
Bonzai: Theee Walrus?
Hollywood: Yes THEEE Walrus!
Bonzai: Well, haha I don’t think I’m the walrus, no. If I am then I definitely don’t know yet.

Diddy: Do you have some new songs for campers this summer?

Bonzai: I do. I have two that are complete, 3 that are half-done. The one is called “Let it Out” and it’s about letting your energy and praise come out. And the other one is called “Praise the Lord”, incorporates a whole bunch of dance moves: shopping cart, mowing the lawn, driving in the cart, reaching for the stars…. You’ll have to wait and see how this leads to praising the Lord.

Hollywood: How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?

Bonzai: I’d say AT LEAST 1 hard one!
That or 7.

Diddy: Do you have any announcements or exciting news for the Adventure Camp readers?

Bonzai: I do! As of 2:30 this afternoon, I am not only the worship leader I am one of the assistant directors!! AND, we will be releasing “Adventure Camp Worship: Volume I”, featuring 8 live worship songs by AC and will be available at camp.

Hollywood: What type of free styling is best?

Bonzai: Are there no options!? (none at all) Haha , I’d say free styling that is done with a backwords hat – many words – groovy beats and Slick Rhymes!

Diddy: How many songs have you written? Ballpark.

Bonzai: Oh, like, ever? Oh, probably between 100 and 150.

Hollywood: Why does the Willow Weep?

Bonzai: Ahhh, because its sad – because THE PINE tree does not love it!
It’s because the Pine tree is quite sharp to it – IT has needles!!! Nobody likes Pine Needles!!

Diddy: What would be your life’s theme song?

Bonzai: it would probably be a mega-mix of “let’s get this party started” would be part of it, and there definitely would be other things, the John Mayer song called "No Such Thing” and I have to throw in a pop song cause I love pop, and “Where Is the Love” by Hanson. That would be part 1.

Hollywood: Between 1 and 10 – would you consider me to be Fun or a Tenor?

Bonzai: Hmmm… Well you are DEFINITLY a ten – because you sing tenor.. But I’d call you a ten because you are really fun…….. I don’t think you really gave me an option with this question hahaha.

Diddy: Describe the process of song writing (for those of us who would have no idea where to start).

Bonzai: You start with an inspired idea, and then you just write out what you think, but it can come out quickly and sometimes it takes a while. There’s editing. Sometimes you throw it out. But sometimes it works out.

Hollywood: Who is the REAL Slim Shady?

Bonzai: Ummm – the real slim shady is….. the only one…. Who can hide behind a tree without being seen.
Sooo what you're saying is that he’d be the best hide and seek player?
Yeah! He is slim enough to hide behind one and great to hide up in the leaves because of the shady.

Diddy: Take a favourite song – and re-write the chorus for us . Go.

Re-written from “Scared of Lonely”… appropriate and really classy Beyonce song, have a listen…. (now, enjoy Bonzai’s new chorus)……
I’m scared of boating, cause I don’t know how to swim
I’m scared being in the water all alone…
Scared of canoeing cause my paddle is too small
I’m scared of being out in the cold, lost in the sea drowning
I’m scared of boating

^^^(check out what he sang to us!!!) ^^^

Hollywood: Do you ever hand out maps before you begin singing so people don’t get lost in your angelic voice?

Bonzai: Hahaha! That’s a good one! Not usually!! But I haven’t really thought about it? Would you?

Hollywood: I’d prefer (almost demand) them to get lost in mine!
Bonzai: Well perhaps I’ll give them one if they were lost and couldn’t get out again!

Diddy: What’s your favourite instrument to listen to?

Bonzai: ohh, umm… I really like listening to the cello. I really like string quartets. But I really also like piano and cello, a lot.

Hollywood: So I’m in my backyard tanning right now (as you may hear the wind and Shuffle playing "Cuban Pete" from the Mask in the background) – and I was curious – how long do I need to tan for before I get a six pack?

Bonzai: Humm.. Well first I would say how good your six pack is already….. And it all depends if its hidden behind some chubby belly – soo if you have some underneath then I would prescribe 2 weeks of straight tanning – but a word of discretion you may get 1st degree burns…. But imagine how cool it’d be to get that 6 pack!

Diddy: What item would you bring to a deserted island?

Bonzai: Tiramisu.

Hollywood: If you can Tune a Piano – Why can’t you Tuna Fish? Can’t you just adjust their Scales?!

Bonzai: Hahah. That’s clever! Hmmm haha that’s a tricky one! Haha I don’t know! It’d be the same reason why you can’t eat a cactus.

Hollywood: And that is?

Bonzai: That’s just what it is! Because it’s sharp and in the desert!

Now befor we take our leave here Bonzai - and seeing how Hollywood keeps running off to eat potato chips - lets bring in a special Interviewer to ask you the very last question!! And seeing how we have Shuffle playing music off in the background - lets have him ask you!!!

Shuffle: WAH?! Really?

Diddy: Really Really - Ask away!!

Shuffle: How serious on the scale of one to serious?
Diddy: No serious
Shuffle: How dandy are lions?
Bonzai: Umm, well, they’re very dandy until you pop their heads off.

Bonzai: Now I have a question for you, Shuffle, are you hot or cold, yes or no?

Shuffle: I am going to have to answer that question with another question: are you warm or cool, maybe or possibly?

AND HERE is where we shall take our leave! We'd like to thank Bonzai for "Stepping up to the Mic" on this evenings edition! We congratulate him on his awesome new role as Assistant Director and HUGELY look forward to hearing some of those SWEET worship tunes he has lined up for us this summer!!

Stay tuned for our next edition of "Step Up to the Mic" with Diddy and Hollywood - where we will be taking to a LIVE face to face interview with the one and only!!.................. now when we say live we mean we wont be calling everyone on the phone - but rather just jot things down as we sit and talk in the same room ...... and not......... in our selective rooms across Canada..... ahem.... anyway........................ THE ONE AND ONLY - OUR FEARLESS DIRECTOR !!!!


Keep it REAL "AC" readers and remember to get out and enjoy some Sun!!!

this is Diddy and Hollywood -- signing out..........

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