What is this thou you speak of upon YON Blog-esque ......... Thing....
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Adventure Camp crew! We are on a mission!!! For those of you who have been following our very humorous and quite charming - specifically that Hollywood fellow - gosh he's a hoot.... ahem, any way -- WE CAN'T FIND "RED"!!!
Now be advised we are doing everything in our power to find our fearless leader - but due to camp being ONLY A FEW SHORT WEEKS AWAY!!!! She is busy at work!
Which is incredible! We can only dream of that first step out of our car on to that light gravel behind the dining room... That first night under the billions of stars. The smell of the first Camp fire. That first Sunday morning where we anxiously await the rambunctious children. It is in a few SHORT WEEKS - and Red is getting our dream ready for us....
So we thank her for that - yet - WE WILL FIND HER! And these Blog-o-lists (journalists for the blog - heeehee- like?) will get you that interview!
But who are we to Dwell or dread what we have yet to receive.... The beauty of Ac is that it IS the place to be! And we have a MILLION people whom we would love to interview on this blog. And WHO better then to grace us with a little fun then our very own camp Veteran:
Scuba buddy! Thank you for filling in this time slot! And as you know - we like to start off these blogs with a little warm up... SO let's wait NO LONGER!
Coke or Pepsi: coke all the way
Broccoli or Spinach: Broccoli
Fruit Loop’s or Cheerio’s: Fruit Loops
Baking or BBQ: BBQ. Easy choice!
Pot of Gold at the end of a Rainbow or Pirate buried treasure: I'm gonna go for the buried pirate treasure because you have to work for it!
Snorkeling or Scuba Diving: hahah – definitely Scuba Diving
Broccoli or Spinach: Broccoli
Fruit Loop’s or Cheerio’s: Fruit Loops
Baking or BBQ: BBQ. Easy choice!
Pot of Gold at the end of a Rainbow or Pirate buried treasure: I'm gonna go for the buried pirate treasure because you have to work for it!
Snorkeling or Scuba Diving: hahah – definitely Scuba Diving
Let's start it off with the REAL questions Scuba! Take it away Diddy!!
Diddy: what is your plan for the summer, Scuba Steve?
Scuba Steve: well, i'm going to be the disco deputy and it's going tobe the most awesome Disco ever.
Hollywood: How many letter “O’s” are in “SCOOOOOOOBA”?
Scuba Steve: It really depends what part of the song you are at – but I’ll say 3 – But NOT where all you would think they would be!
Diddy: Where are they?
Scuba Steve: I can’t tell you that…. It’s a secret!
Diddy: how many years have you been at camp? on the program team?
Scuba Steve: oh, umm, well, i have two answers cause it's 2questions...this is my 10th summer and my fifth summer on program. a lot of summers.
Hollywood: How frequently are you asked to hold your breathe under water?
Scuba Steve: Not very frequently! Because people can’t talk under water – so I don’t think anyone could ask me to hold my breath under the water.
Scuba Steve: Not very frequently! Because people can’t talk under water – so I don’t think anyone could ask me to hold my breath under the water.
Diddy: is there a week at camp that stands out in all your years?
Scuba Steve: the last week of camp last summer, because it was just crazy
Hollywood: and i was there!
Scuba Steve: yes, and also, we had a giant campfire, and a carnival and all kinds of craziness... and there were HORSES!
Hollywood: What type of water is best?
Scuba Steve: hmmm – Im gonna say tap water! I really like Tap Water! I think Bottled water is just a waste!
Scuba Steve: hmmm – Im gonna say tap water! I really like Tap Water! I think Bottled water is just a waste!
Diddy: who was your favourite deputy before you went on a roll aslongest-standing deputy?
Scuba Steve: ohhh... ah, my favourite deputy uh, was Big-Eight!! He was the explorer deputy back when i started at camp, he did crazy stuff and was an absolutely ridiculous guy. that guy was incredible.. well, he still is, i just haven't seen him deputizing in while...
Hollywood: How many mermaids have you seen – and or Mer -”MANS”
Scuba Steve: How many meraids or mer mans have I seen? Well I have seen the Little Mermaid a bunch of times so there are a lot in there! Oh and I just watched that movie with Adam Sandler – oh what was it… Oh right – Bedtime Stories! And there was a mermaid in there so I would say at LEAST 3!
Scuba Steve: How many meraids or mer mans have I seen? Well I have seen the Little Mermaid a bunch of times so there are a lot in there! Oh and I just watched that movie with Adam Sandler – oh what was it… Oh right – Bedtime Stories! And there was a mermaid in there so I would say at LEAST 3!
Diddy: You only noticed two mermaids in the little mermaid?! Haha
Scuba Steve: Oh haha – okay then I’d say – about 5.
Diddy: what does it take to be the best deputy possible?
Scuba Steve: uhh, just enough craziness to, y'know, think up ridiculous things and make them happen.... but also need to know what you're doing to make it happen. so a bit of crazy... and a little bit of getting things done.
Hollywood: Do you think Sebastian was correct in the song “Under the Sea” when really they were “IN” the sea and not UNDER IT?!!?
Scuba Steve: They ARE!! I never thought about it that way!!! Under the Sea would be the rocks!! But I suppose the song would be less interesting if it were “IN THE SEA – IN THE SEA”. But maybe there is another life going on, on top of the bedrock!
Scuba Steve: They ARE!! I never thought about it that way!!! Under the Sea would be the rocks!! But I suppose the song would be less interesting if it were “IN THE SEA – IN THE SEA”. But maybe there is another life going on, on top of the bedrock!
Diddy: what are your top 3 favourite theme characters that you have played?
Scuba Steve: ooo... uh, good question. umm, spoon man - he was very fun, except for the costume was absolutely ridiculous, and i despised putting it on. I also really enjoyed playing Wiki last year in the Arkansas Jill theme, though that costume was also ridiculous, and the last one I'd have to say is the Prince of Candy Land... mostly because I got to be a bad guy.
Hollywood: What would a jockey be called if it were a sea dwelling – seahorse riding creature?
Scuba Steve: Oh – a jockey who rides a sea horse? I don’t know…. Stan? I think would be a good name for a seahorse riding man……. Stan the sea horse riding man.
Scuba Steve: Oh – a jockey who rides a sea horse? I don’t know…. Stan? I think would be a good name for a seahorse riding man……. Stan the sea horse riding man.
Diddy: describe a day in the life of Scuba Steve of the springtime variety.
Scuba Steve: of the springtime variety? scuba Steve wakes up at about6:30 in the morning, yeah, and then I bike to work (nice!) yeah, at the garden centre, Plant World, and then I move plants around all day and help people buy plants, then i bike home. then i relax for a little bit, maybe hang out with some friends... and then i sleep. and in there, there is some eating. i eat.
Hollywood: How often is too often?
Scuba Steve: ummmmm – I’d say like --- Like, like two times every day is too often.. Anymore then that, then it is just ridiculous. Anything done less than two times is – you know…. Respectable.
Scuba Steve: ummmmm – I’d say like --- Like, like two times every day is too often.. Anymore then that, then it is just ridiculous. Anything done less than two times is – you know…. Respectable.
Diddy: what are you looking forward to MOST about the summer?
Scuba Steve: uhh, I am really excited to hang out with all of the kids in Disco this summer, we have some great stuff planned and I will hopefully have as much fun as they do.
Hollywood: If flying is soo safe – then why do they call the Airport “Terminal”?
Scuba Steve: No it’s because that’s where your journey ends! You are supposed to end it at the terminal – like an Airport Caboose but different.
Scuba Steve: No it’s because that’s where your journey ends! You are supposed to end it at the terminal – like an Airport Caboose but different.
Diddy: including snack, describe the most delicious camp menu one day could offer.
Scuba Steve: ooooh, k. breakfast - french toast and raisin bran, lunch would definitely be, uh, or would it be? yeah, let's say grilled cheese... and fruit, the royal gala apple is my favourite. you'd have some delicious spicy red juice for afternoon juice, and for dinner we'd have, I like... the ranch chicken finger wrap. I'm a huge fan of those... dessert, chocolate chip cookie bars, and for snack, MORE chocolate chip cookie bars.
Hollywood: Do you think Noah wanted to swat those two mosquitoes?
Scuba Steve: Yeah!! I think everyone on that Arc wanted to swat those two mosquitoes! But that is a bit of a misconception. I don’t think there were only two of every Animal. Like he wouldn’t need to put fish on there. I think they would have just chilled! And then Noah sent off the Dove and it didn’t come back.. And then he sent off the other Dove and it DID come back – so what, he would only have 1 DOVE?!
Let me go get my bible!!!
Let see before David and Gamra
Before Cain and Abel….. Wait no….. AAAAAFTER Cain and Abel….
Lets see – okay
Scuba Steve: Yeah!! I think everyone on that Arc wanted to swat those two mosquitoes! But that is a bit of a misconception. I don’t think there were only two of every Animal. Like he wouldn’t need to put fish on there. I think they would have just chilled! And then Noah sent off the Dove and it didn’t come back.. And then he sent off the other Dove and it DID come back – so what, he would only have 1 DOVE?!
Let me go get my bible!!!
Let see before David and Gamra
Before Cain and Abel….. Wait no….. AAAAAFTER Cain and Abel….
Lets see – okay
“ 1And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
2Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
Genesis 7:1-2"
So he had 7 pairs of Doves!! Which is cool! But I don’t – I don’t know how he would have gotten the mosquitoes to get on the Arc…. But I don’t think he really liked the mosquitoes.
Diddy: would you like to give a shout out to Discovery and AC in general?
Scuba Steve: yes...... I'm gonna say "what up Disco, i can't wait to see all you guys this summer, and ALL of camp, because you're all great, and not just Disco... but Disco is great too"...
Hollywood: So this is the very LAST question for you Sir Scuba Steve! And it is known amongst your friends that you have a HUGE music selection on your mp3 player…. Now I was curious – Amidst all these songs did you ever find out where “Sexy” went before Justin Timberlake brought it back?
Scuba Steve: hahahahaha – That’s wonderfully inappropriate!
See – where it exactly went before Justin brought it back would have been – Camping in the Woods in Northern Ontario. Justin had to hike to go find it and bring it back on a train and hike home….. So little known fact – “sexy” was hiding in Mooseny
Scuba Steve: hahahahaha – That’s wonderfully inappropriate!
See – where it exactly went before Justin brought it back would have been – Camping in the Woods in Northern Ontario. Justin had to hike to go find it and bring it back on a train and hike home….. So little known fact – “sexy” was hiding in Mooseny
Scuba Steve, we salute you and all you do! Thank you for Stepping up to the Mic with Diddy and Hollywood! You are absolutely HILARIOUS!
WHAT'S HAPPENING NEXT WITH STEP UP TO THE MIC?!! Well you will have to tune in and FIND OUT! Diddy and Hollywood have gone on a "MAD BLITZ" to bring you the most exciting interviews you can imagine! We will be bringing you them VERY soon! So be VERY EXCITED!!! Take a wild guess who will be the next to step up.... We are bringing you a DOUBLE interview entitled:
Be VERY excited!
This is Diddy and Hollywood signing off --- Keep it sunny and practice gratitude AC!
I miss you Scuba!! -- stish