Monday, May 25, 2009


(Be advised this was one of the most FUN and HILARIOUS interviews ever!!!  SOOO because of how much talking and fun was involved – the typing was CAH-RAZY and we could only catch up with SOOOO much of the conversation….. But be advised – these two are RIDICULOUSLY funny and you should all sit down and talk to them at one point of your life… Or a combo pack/cuddle or something!!  These guys are ridiculously funny!  You’ll see at Camp! ;D )

Over the last few months Diddy&Hollywood have been off to find you the most exciting interviews in order to get YOU - YES YOU - excited for Camp this summer.  Of course it doesn't take much to b

e excited about the clear water of Lake ClearWater and the loud screaming children echoing its waters all summer - But think of these interviews as ..................... A PERK!

AC readers - today - we bring to you our first Interview done via Skype with a duo who trumps the Beach Boys - who take to the shores with a rad style of fun.  AC - We bring to you the most ultimate buddy check of the year!


1 !!!


Now to start off as usual we have our rockin either or Questions!  Are you guys ready?
Marley: Yep!
Somo: (paus)
Somo: Oh sorry - I'm at a friends house and he has this AWESOME swivel chair!  Im spinning around right now!

Hahaha And here we GO!

Diddy: who is kinder in the morning? (Somo or Marley?)
somo: i don't know... this is hard!! i think i am generally
marley: somo has enthusiasm but i'm a zombie
somo: i'll let that slide...
marley: somo's the psycho.
Diddy: who snores loudest?
Marley: camp sleep is uninterrupted, but I'd say Somo
Somo: I've heard feedback.
Diddy: is worse at being quiet in the cabin?
(LAUGHTER... Marley was mimicking a really loud Somo)
Somo: So, I get really giddy for some reason right before bed. it
might be because shuffle is afraid of silly things.

Marley: definitely. and Somo giggles.
Somo: Yes.

Hollywood: Surfing or skiing; 

Marley:skiining with short shorts involved! Like 80’s guys! 

Somo: Surfing – it will include awesome places!!!  

Hollywood: Sorry to do this to yah - BUT - Boating or swimming: 


Somo:Boating! Sailboats canoes and sailing - can take you allllll over the lake!

Hollywood: Super fun shallow zone or fun times at campsite bay: 

Marley: camp site bay- its practically the super fun shallow end!  

Somo: Im going to go with Campsite!

Alright boyo's - now on to the real stuff here!!

Diddy: what are your roles at camp this year?
Somo: I am boating co-ordinator. and we keep camp safe, first
response.... like (some kind of super hero), but better looking.

Marley: well, i will be returning as the swimming director.

Hollywood:  Alright, so my first few questions will be directed to the individual.  The first one is for Marley!Marley - What is Good Vibration to you?  

Marley: WHAT?!  Good Vibrations!?  It is the feeling of moving across the lake on a motor boat to Campsite Bay!

Diddy: Marley, tell us about your travels this year! No offense Somo - We'll get to you. 
Somo: No worries - Im just swiveling!
Marley: alright, well, in the fall I spent three months travelling in
europe, i saw germany, austria, italy and london, england. and i was
studying at a bible school in Austria. it was pretty sweet.

Hollywood: Alright Somo, Can I go on a Surfin Safari with you?

Diddy: haha

Somo: YEAH!  YEAH!  I’d love to go on a surfin safari with you!  Are you kidding me?!  I don’t know where we could go.

Diddy: Where would you suggest ?

Somo: I don’t know, we could look it up on the internet and figure out how to make a Canadian Surf board and figure out where to go from there!

Diddy: What's your favourite part of being at the waterfront for most
of the day, every day at camp?
Marley: the sun and the super fun shallow end.
Somo: I would have to say when i'm allowed, which is limited, just
like chilling with campers in the super fun shallow. usually we're on
duty, but when we can go in the water, it's awesome!!
Hollywood:  Alright this one's for Marley.  Who is Barbara Ann and what has she done to be soo cool and get a song!?

Marley: Hahaha – Barbara Ann must be – Oh man I can’t even hahaha…. Barbara Ann clearly worked at Adventure Camp before, because she would have had to have gone there in order to be cool enough to have a song named after her!

Diddy: What was the best part about being part of Guys and Dolls this year?
Marley: Getting to see really cool camp people outside of camp and
really fun music.

Somo: Yes. You pretty much said it man, that's balling, man. and it
was just really fun to do.
Hollywood: This next one is for Somo - Can I be your Yoko-Ono?

Diddy: hahaha

Somo: I don’t know!!  I don’t know if I’m prepared to go all John Lennon – I think that’s the biggest problem... If I were to write a love song im sure I’d throw you in a verse for sure!!

Diddy: Somo, describe the best weather for sailing...
Somo: okay well, i enjoy death weather. i enjoy sailing so that i
don't die. it's really fun, cause you get really really into it.
that's my favourite kind.
Hollywood:  Alright I'm done the individual ones.  These ones are for the both of you. If the Muffin Man were real – what would be ONE thing you would want him to cook during a dinner with me?

Marley: Steak and Potatoes! Steak and potatoes!  Like nice fried onions!!!

Somo: You know what would be good?  A Cupcake of PURE CHOCOLATE with bits of muffin in it!  Like an INVERTED MUFFIN!  

Marley:  Can we go into different kinds of Muffins – The all encompassing grilled cheese day encompassed into ONE muffin!

Diddy: if your lifejacket could have a 'gadget'... what would it be?
Somo: little propellers on the side so i could propel down really far
then shoot up... out of the water. like the scuba divers have!!
Marley: man, this is a tough one... there are so many options
diddy: Make a combo pack
Somo: you can do that?
Marley: I would have a massive thermos of joosh, the electric blue
flavoured of course... and a crazy straw... the one that makes
Somo: so, basically like the most ballin' camo pack you've ever seen!

Hollywood: When the Beach Boys said that “EVERYBODY” was going to surf the United States… Who was everybody – and do they not realise that the United States is made of ground and Soil and NOT 100% Water?!  What do they think this is Atlantis?

Marley: Could it be like little babys with surfboards? (in a high pitched voice) “I’m goin surfin mommmy!”

Somo: I think you’re going to have to get deep on this one!! I think it wasn’t even Surfing and moral.  Like hanging out and chilling – Like “Hey man – let’s go Surfin!”

Diddy: what are you guys up to this spring?
Somo: umm, nothing exciting, i'm working at the beer store and i'm a
bouncer at a bar....
Marley: i am practicing for the waterfront by working as a
lifeguard... and i don't know how to make that more exciting.
Hollywood: Being a frequent (outside and natural) tanner I was curious to know – What tips can you give me to get that perfect glaze?

Marley - Baby oil 

Somo - NO!!  Baby oil was a SKAM!!  I did not enjoy the baby oil!  Im actually going to say that you are GOING to burn unless you have some wicked tan line…  Like if you were to wear a lifeguard shirt!  Like when I tanned x’s and o’s on me….  But don’t think of it as looking good but more as making art!

Diddy: Describe your perfect sand castle, Somo, GO!
Somo: I'm a big fan of like booby traps, i don't know fi that makes me
a bad person.... but when kids can get the moat working. i'm a big fan
of height with water mixed into the solution- as high as you can get
it without it breaking. and flags, with sticks and leaves and decorate
it like a home. OH YEAH!!! it's my favourite on the face of this
planet, so you should get this down.. when you get really really
really really watered down sand... then pour it on top of eachother...
and then let it dry and then when you touch it, it breaks apart really
easy - you hardly have to touch it. and, don't eat sand.

Diddy: anything to add marley?
Marley: My mom's dancing in the doorway.
Diddy (to Mama Marley): AMAZING. when will you be coming to camp?
Mama Marley(yelling from the doorway): JULY 19th!!! spa cookies and tea at the nurses station... and a big old thermometer!!

Hollywood: If you were a delicious fruit smoothy – what country would you wish to be served in?

Somo:  Oh wow you totally caught me off guard there!! I was thinking fruits!!  Can I be served where ever a Pinacolatta is served?  I feel that if I were served where ever a pinacolatta is served I feel like I would be in for a good time! “Do you like pinacolatta’s!”

Marley: I would want to be served in --- uh—Like what's better then Canada?  I have NO idea! I would want to be served in ---- TRINIDAD!!  Because it is the coolest sounding place I can think of at the top of my head.

Diddy: Somo, describe Marley in five words? Marley, describe Somo in 8 words.
Somo: dibs second.
Somo: BEARD. GUARD-TAN (superword, counts for just one). MAD-SKILLS
(that one counts for 2). GLASSES. (and MUSIC)

Marley: you make me sound so interesting, SOMO.

Hollywood: A Life Jacket has always been a life jacket to me and never a PFD…. But if you both could name it anything BESIDES a PFD what would it be called?

Somo:  I’d go with FLOAT VEST

Marley: I was going to go with SUPERHERO VEST – because it gives you the super hero power of floating in water!

Diddy: Any shoutouts to the lifeguards?
Marley: Donatello, that guy can dive like no other...
Somo: That guy is grace, no that MAN is grace... he's GRACE. he's graceful.
Marley: His dives are beautiful.
Somo: Anybody who lifeguards is the coolest person ever.
Marley: Yeah, anybody who has ever lifeguarded for us is AMAZING.

Hollywood:  Alright here is your very last question boys.  And its a Question that has bewildered many of our Camp staff always ends in the same arm motion and I think we would FINALLY like the answer………  WHAT WAY IS THE BEACH!?!?!!  Like C'mon!!

Marley:  I’m going to go with North of the dining hall 

Somo:  You COULD go with your typical direction of the WATER

Marley: I would also like add that I am flexing at the moment!

Thank you Somo and Marley for Stepping up to the Mic with Diddy and Hollywood!  This was by far one of the most fun conversations we have had!

TUNE IN for our next Step up to the Mic where we SURPRISE someone with a Step up to the Mic interview!!!

Also - have you missed passed Step up to the mic's with Diddy and Hollywood?  NO SWEAT!  

Just click a name from our side bar and have a fun read!  They are categorized in what month we interviewed them so be sure to scroll through them and find those you have missed.....

OH..... One more thing..... Just a small little detail that may excite you for camp........


This is Diddy and Hollywood signing out : Practice your Frisbee - We'll see you on the field!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

SCUBA STEVE Step's Up!!!


What is this thou you speak of upon YON Blog-esque ......... Thing....

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Adventure Camp crew! We are on a mission!!! For those of you who have been following our very humorous and quite charming - specifically that Hollywood fellow - gosh he's a hoot.... ahem, any way -- WE CAN'T FIND "RED"!!!

Now be advised we are doing everything in our power to find our fearless leader - but due to camp being ONLY A FEW SHORT WEEKS AWAY!!!! She is busy at work!

Which is incredible! We can only dream of that first step out of our car on to that light gravel behind the dining room... That first night under the billions of stars. The smell of the first Camp fire. That first Sunday morning where we anxiously await the rambunctious children. It is in a few SHORT WEEKS - and Red is getting our dream ready for us....
So we thank her for that - yet - WE WILL FIND HER! And these Blog-o-lists (journalists for the blog - heeehee- like?) will get you that interview!

But who are we to Dwell or dread what we have yet to receive.... The beauty of Ac is that it IS the place to be! And we have a MILLION people whom we would love to interview on this blog. And WHO better then to grace us with a little fun then our very own camp Veteran:
Scuba buddy! Thank you for filling in this time slot! And as you know - we like to start off these blogs with a little warm up... SO let's wait NO LONGER!
Coke or Pepsi: coke all the way
Broccoli or Spinach: Broccoli
Fruit Loop’s or Cheerio’s: Fruit Loops
Baking or BBQ: BBQ. Easy choice!
Pot of Gold at the end of a Rainbow or Pirate buried treasure: I'm gonna go for the buried pirate treasure because you have to work for it!
Snorkeling or Scuba Diving: hahah – definitely Scuba Diving
Let's start it off with the REAL questions Scuba! Take it away Diddy!!
Diddy: what is your plan for the summer, Scuba Steve?
Scuba Steve: well, i'm going to be the disco deputy and it's going tobe the most awesome Disco ever.
Hollywood: How many letter “O’s” are in “SCOOOOOOOBA”?
Scuba Steve: It really depends what part of the song you are at – but I’ll say 3 – But NOT where all you would think they would be!
Diddy: Where are they?
Scuba Steve: I can’t tell you that…. It’s a secret!
Diddy: how many years have you been at camp? on the program team?
Scuba Steve: oh, umm, well, i have two answers cause it's 2questions...this is my 10th summer and my fifth summer on program. a lot of summers.
Hollywood: How frequently are you asked to hold your breathe under water?

Scuba Steve: Not very frequently! Because people can’t talk under water – so I don’t think anyone could ask me to hold my breath under the water.
Diddy: is there a week at camp that stands out in all your years?
Scuba Steve: the last week of camp last summer, because it was just crazy
Hollywood: and i was there!
Scuba Steve: yes, and also, we had a giant campfire, and a carnival and all kinds of craziness... and there were HORSES!
Hollywood: What type of water is best?

Scuba Steve: hmmm – Im gonna say tap water! I really like Tap Water! I think Bottled water is just a waste!
Diddy: who was your favourite deputy before you went on a roll aslongest-standing deputy?
Scuba Steve: ohhh... ah, my favourite deputy uh, was Big-Eight!! He was the explorer deputy back when i started at camp, he did crazy stuff and was an absolutely ridiculous guy. that guy was incredible.. well, he still is, i just haven't seen him deputizing in while...
Hollywood: How many mermaids have you seen – and or Mer -”MANS”

Scuba Steve: How many meraids or mer mans have I seen? Well I have seen the Little Mermaid a bunch of times so there are a lot in there! Oh and I just watched that movie with Adam Sandler – oh what was it… Oh right – Bedtime Stories! And there was a mermaid in there so I would say at LEAST 3!
Diddy: You only noticed two mermaids in the little mermaid?! Haha
Scuba Steve: Oh haha – okay then I’d say – about 5.
Diddy: what does it take to be the best deputy possible?
Scuba Steve: uhh, just enough craziness to, y'know, think up ridiculous things and make them happen.... but also need to know what you're doing to make it happen. so a bit of crazy... and a little bit of getting things done.
Hollywood: Do you think Sebastian was correct in the song “Under the Sea” when really they were “IN” the sea and not UNDER IT?!!?

Scuba Steve: They ARE!! I never thought about it that way!!! Under the Sea would be the rocks!! But I suppose the song would be less interesting if it were “IN THE SEA – IN THE SEA”. But maybe there is another life going on, on top of the bedrock!
Diddy: what are your top 3 favourite theme characters that you have played?
Scuba Steve: ooo... uh, good question. umm, spoon man - he was very fun, except for the costume was absolutely ridiculous, and i despised putting it on. I also really enjoyed playing Wiki last year in the Arkansas Jill theme, though that costume was also ridiculous, and the last one I'd have to say is the Prince of Candy Land... mostly because I got to be a bad guy.
Hollywood: What would a jockey be called if it were a sea dwelling – seahorse riding creature?

Scuba Steve: Oh – a jockey who rides a sea horse? I don’t know…. Stan? I think would be a good name for a seahorse riding man……. Stan the sea horse riding man.
Diddy: describe a day in the life of Scuba Steve of the springtime variety.
Scuba Steve: of the springtime variety? scuba Steve wakes up at about6:30 in the morning, yeah, and then I bike to work (nice!) yeah, at the garden centre, Plant World, and then I move plants around all day and help people buy plants, then i bike home. then i relax for a little bit, maybe hang out with some friends... and then i sleep. and in there, there is some eating. i eat.
Hollywood: How often is too often?

Scuba Steve: ummmmm – I’d say like --- Like, like two times every day is too often.. Anymore then that, then it is just ridiculous. Anything done less than two times is – you know…. Respectable.
Diddy: what are you looking forward to MOST about the summer?
Scuba Steve: uhh, I am really excited to hang out with all of the kids in Disco this summer, we have some great stuff planned and I will hopefully have as much fun as they do.
Hollywood: If flying is soo safe – then why do they call the Airport “Terminal”?

Scuba Steve: No it’s because that’s where your journey ends! You are supposed to end it at the terminal – like an Airport Caboose but different.
Diddy: including snack, describe the most delicious camp menu one day could offer.
Scuba Steve: ooooh, k. breakfast - french toast and raisin bran, lunch would definitely be, uh, or would it be? yeah, let's say grilled cheese... and fruit, the royal gala apple is my favourite. you'd have some delicious spicy red juice for afternoon juice, and for dinner we'd have, I like... the ranch chicken finger wrap. I'm a huge fan of those... dessert, chocolate chip cookie bars, and for snack, MORE chocolate chip cookie bars.
Hollywood: Do you think Noah wanted to swat those two mosquitoes?

Scuba Steve: Yeah!! I think everyone on that Arc wanted to swat those two mosquitoes! But that is a bit of a misconception. I don’t think there were only two of every Animal. Like he wouldn’t need to put fish on there. I think they would have just chilled! And then Noah sent off the Dove and it didn’t come back.. And then he sent off the other Dove and it DID come back – so what, he would only have 1 DOVE?!

Let me go get my bible!!!

Let see before David and Gamra
Before Cain and Abel….. Wait no….. AAAAAFTER Cain and Abel….

Lets see – okay

“ 1And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
2Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
Genesis 7:1-2"

So he had 7 pairs of Doves!! Which is cool! But I don’t – I don’t know how he would have gotten the mosquitoes to get on the Arc…. But I don’t think he really liked the mosquitoes.
Diddy: would you like to give a shout out to Discovery and AC in general?
Scuba Steve: yes...... I'm gonna say "what up Disco, i can't wait to see all you guys this summer, and ALL of camp, because you're all great, and not just Disco... but Disco is great too"...
Hollywood: So this is the very LAST question for you Sir Scuba Steve! And it is known amongst your friends that you have a HUGE music selection on your mp3 player…. Now I was curious – Amidst all these songs did you ever find out where “Sexy” went before Justin Timberlake brought it back?
Scuba Steve: hahahahaha – That’s wonderfully inappropriate!
See – where it exactly went before Justin brought it back would have been – Camping in the Woods in Northern Ontario. Justin had to hike to go find it and bring it back on a train and hike home….. So little known fact – “sexy” was hiding in Mooseny
Scuba Steve, we salute you and all you do! Thank you for Stepping up to the Mic with Diddy and Hollywood! You are absolutely HILARIOUS!
WHAT'S HAPPENING NEXT WITH STEP UP TO THE MIC?!! Well you will have to tune in and FIND OUT! Diddy and Hollywood have gone on a "MAD BLITZ" to bring you the most exciting interviews you can imagine! We will be bringing you them VERY soon! So be VERY EXCITED!!! Take a wild guess who will be the next to step up.... We are bringing you a DOUBLE interview entitled:
Be VERY excited!
This is Diddy and Hollywood signing off --- Keep it sunny and practice gratitude AC!

Friday, May 8, 2009

BONZAI Steps Up!!

Ladies and Gentlemen - WELCOME to the very next edition of "STEP UP TO THE MIC" with Diddy and Hollywood............ Now we say very next because.................... Well - because it is the next one..... Directly after the one from before.......... so this one would be new........ ahem - ANYWAY!

We have brought to you interviews spanning out from Mayors - Deputies - Program staff - and today - still keeping it spicy and ever sooo nicely - We bring to you a man who without talking is known to many of us as "The VOICE"............ Now I say without talking ---- because he sings ........ He's really good... Like really good..... ahem any way....

We bring you..........................

WOOOOPSY..... teehee... Wrong guy.......... But if we were in a tight jam - THIS would be the right guy...... I call him "Sher-Cluck" ..... I know penguins don't cluck - but their sound sounds like a honk - "Sher-Honk"?? No dice.........

BONZAI !!!!!

Welcom Bonzai! We hope you are ready for these EXTREMELY thought out questions that were NOT thought up within 22 minutes!!

And as usual - we start you off with a few warm up "either - or's"

Diddy: Read a good book or watch a good movie?
Bonzai: Oh man, tough question. Both.
Diddy: You can’t
Bonzai: What? I like both of them exactly the same. Read a book alone, watch with others.

Diddy: Star Trek or Star Wars?
Bonzai: Star Wars except for the new Star Trek movie. I’ve never seen a Star Trek.

Diddy: Flip flops or Running shoes?
Bonzai: Oh, flip flops hands down. Flippy-floppy.

Diddy: Lasagna or Spaghetti?
Bonzai: lasagna

Diddy: Mango or banana?

Bonzai: Ooo… hmm…. I’d have to say Banana

Brilliant!!! And now on to the toughies!!

Hollywood: As an artist of the music variety I figured you could give us the answer to this historic question............
What does Honky Tonk REALLY mean?

Bonzai: Hmmm that IS a great question!! And I belive honky tonk refers to the twang sound of a guitar string strung or a piano playing!

Diddy: What will you do at camp this summer?

Bonzai: I’m going to be the worship leader and sing songs in the Crow’s Nest.

Hollywood: Are you the Walrus?
Bonzai: Theee Walrus?
Hollywood: Yes THEEE Walrus!
Bonzai: Well, haha I don’t think I’m the walrus, no. If I am then I definitely don’t know yet.

Diddy: Do you have some new songs for campers this summer?

Bonzai: I do. I have two that are complete, 3 that are half-done. The one is called “Let it Out” and it’s about letting your energy and praise come out. And the other one is called “Praise the Lord”, incorporates a whole bunch of dance moves: shopping cart, mowing the lawn, driving in the cart, reaching for the stars…. You’ll have to wait and see how this leads to praising the Lord.

Hollywood: How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?

Bonzai: I’d say AT LEAST 1 hard one!
That or 7.

Diddy: Do you have any announcements or exciting news for the Adventure Camp readers?

Bonzai: I do! As of 2:30 this afternoon, I am not only the worship leader I am one of the assistant directors!! AND, we will be releasing “Adventure Camp Worship: Volume I”, featuring 8 live worship songs by AC and will be available at camp.

Hollywood: What type of free styling is best?

Bonzai: Are there no options!? (none at all) Haha , I’d say free styling that is done with a backwords hat – many words – groovy beats and Slick Rhymes!

Diddy: How many songs have you written? Ballpark.

Bonzai: Oh, like, ever? Oh, probably between 100 and 150.

Hollywood: Why does the Willow Weep?

Bonzai: Ahhh, because its sad – because THE PINE tree does not love it!
It’s because the Pine tree is quite sharp to it – IT has needles!!! Nobody likes Pine Needles!!

Diddy: What would be your life’s theme song?

Bonzai: it would probably be a mega-mix of “let’s get this party started” would be part of it, and there definitely would be other things, the John Mayer song called "No Such Thing” and I have to throw in a pop song cause I love pop, and “Where Is the Love” by Hanson. That would be part 1.

Hollywood: Between 1 and 10 – would you consider me to be Fun or a Tenor?

Bonzai: Hmmm… Well you are DEFINITLY a ten – because you sing tenor.. But I’d call you a ten because you are really fun…….. I don’t think you really gave me an option with this question hahaha.

Diddy: Describe the process of song writing (for those of us who would have no idea where to start).

Bonzai: You start with an inspired idea, and then you just write out what you think, but it can come out quickly and sometimes it takes a while. There’s editing. Sometimes you throw it out. But sometimes it works out.

Hollywood: Who is the REAL Slim Shady?

Bonzai: Ummm – the real slim shady is….. the only one…. Who can hide behind a tree without being seen.
Sooo what you're saying is that he’d be the best hide and seek player?
Yeah! He is slim enough to hide behind one and great to hide up in the leaves because of the shady.

Diddy: Take a favourite song – and re-write the chorus for us . Go.

Re-written from “Scared of Lonely”… appropriate and really classy Beyonce song, have a listen…. (now, enjoy Bonzai’s new chorus)……
I’m scared of boating, cause I don’t know how to swim
I’m scared being in the water all alone…
Scared of canoeing cause my paddle is too small
I’m scared of being out in the cold, lost in the sea drowning
I’m scared of boating

^^^(check out what he sang to us!!!) ^^^

Hollywood: Do you ever hand out maps before you begin singing so people don’t get lost in your angelic voice?

Bonzai: Hahaha! That’s a good one! Not usually!! But I haven’t really thought about it? Would you?

Hollywood: I’d prefer (almost demand) them to get lost in mine!
Bonzai: Well perhaps I’ll give them one if they were lost and couldn’t get out again!

Diddy: What’s your favourite instrument to listen to?

Bonzai: ohh, umm… I really like listening to the cello. I really like string quartets. But I really also like piano and cello, a lot.

Hollywood: So I’m in my backyard tanning right now (as you may hear the wind and Shuffle playing "Cuban Pete" from the Mask in the background) – and I was curious – how long do I need to tan for before I get a six pack?

Bonzai: Humm.. Well first I would say how good your six pack is already….. And it all depends if its hidden behind some chubby belly – soo if you have some underneath then I would prescribe 2 weeks of straight tanning – but a word of discretion you may get 1st degree burns…. But imagine how cool it’d be to get that 6 pack!

Diddy: What item would you bring to a deserted island?

Bonzai: Tiramisu.

Hollywood: If you can Tune a Piano – Why can’t you Tuna Fish? Can’t you just adjust their Scales?!

Bonzai: Hahah. That’s clever! Hmmm haha that’s a tricky one! Haha I don’t know! It’d be the same reason why you can’t eat a cactus.

Hollywood: And that is?

Bonzai: That’s just what it is! Because it’s sharp and in the desert!

Now befor we take our leave here Bonzai - and seeing how Hollywood keeps running off to eat potato chips - lets bring in a special Interviewer to ask you the very last question!! And seeing how we have Shuffle playing music off in the background - lets have him ask you!!!

Shuffle: WAH?! Really?

Diddy: Really Really - Ask away!!

Shuffle: How serious on the scale of one to serious?
Diddy: No serious
Shuffle: How dandy are lions?
Bonzai: Umm, well, they’re very dandy until you pop their heads off.

Bonzai: Now I have a question for you, Shuffle, are you hot or cold, yes or no?

Shuffle: I am going to have to answer that question with another question: are you warm or cool, maybe or possibly?

AND HERE is where we shall take our leave! We'd like to thank Bonzai for "Stepping up to the Mic" on this evenings edition! We congratulate him on his awesome new role as Assistant Director and HUGELY look forward to hearing some of those SWEET worship tunes he has lined up for us this summer!!

Stay tuned for our next edition of "Step Up to the Mic" with Diddy and Hollywood - where we will be taking to a LIVE face to face interview with the one and only!!.................. now when we say live we mean we wont be calling everyone on the phone - but rather just jot things down as we sit and talk in the same room ...... and not......... in our selective rooms across Canada..... ahem.... anyway........................ THE ONE AND ONLY - OUR FEARLESS DIRECTOR !!!!


Keep it REAL "AC" readers and remember to get out and enjoy some Sun!!!

this is Diddy and Hollywood -- signing out..........

Sunday, May 3, 2009


WELCOME to another - Well Rounded - 4 Seasoned - Roll up the Rim to Win special of
"STEP UP TO THE MIC with Diddy and Hollywood!"

Diddy and Hollywood have been on the move to ROCK YOUR CAMP NEEDS WORLD! Trying to find the best interviews is the EASIEST thing to do! Everyone from camp is SOOO amazing and it has been more than a thrill to be able to talk to the few we have interviewed so far! Though we have spoke to MANY amazing people already - there are many MANY more to come!!
And the next one to jump the G-Train to Camp town - and then get off, hop in a cab until you realise the driver is running the meter to fast and charging you double. And then get out and get on a bus until you reach the edge of town then call your mom for a pick up and have to wait for her in a Tim Hortans until she arrives, during which you meet a nice man named Greg who tells you about his awesome trip to the alps and then leave with your mom until she finally gets you to your destination but far enough for you to still have to run before you can - STEP UP TO THE MIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And of course Romeo - we start you off with a few warm up questions! Here we go!

diddy: high five or props?

romeo: high five. everytime.

diddy: math or science?

romeo: probably math.

diddy: peanut butter or jelly?

romeo: jelly.

diddy: morning or evening dip?

romeo: morning dip!

diddy: french toast or pancakes?

romeo: pancakes.

Hollywood - Did you know Shakespeare?
Romeo - No. I do not know Shakespeare, no.

Diddy: what are your plans for the spring?

Romeo: spring, oh my GOSH! in like 7 days exactly now I will be on a plane to London, and then i get on a plane to West Africa and I will spend 3 weeks in a village in the Gambia working on a well project and then i'm spending a fourth week visiting friends in Senegal.

Hollywood - How do you spell “Mont-ay-g’you?”

Romeo: M-o-n-t-a-g-u-e

Diddy: what is your favourite part of your role as an explorer mayor?

Romeo: yeah right. uhh, oh my gosh - I have no idea!! oh man. I love getting to hang out with all of the explorer campers without feeling guilty that i'm not hanging out with my individual cabin, I love hanging out with explorer staff without feeling guilty that i'm not hanging out with my cabin. I love to hang out.

Hollywood - So I have had this problem picking at my brain as if it were a brain picking chipmunk and I just HAVE to know -would you be allowed to watch “A Walk to Remember” and NOT feel awkward?
Diddy: you're soo weird hollywood!!
Romeo: Could you repeat the question?
Hollywood : would you be allowed to watch “A Walk to Remember” and NOT feel awkward?
Romeo: I can do what ever I want!! SURE! Yes! Haha I think I missed the point of the question but I am going to go with Sure! With a capitol “S H”

Diddy: what do you do when you're not at camp?
Romeo: i study my toes off at school in Toronto. I'm training to be an engineer, which is someone who builds, creates or invents things.
Diddy: And which will you do?
Romeo: oh gosh! I want to invent things!

Hollywood: Would you rather 'Rock and Roll' or 'Roll a Rock'?
Romeo:How big is the rock?
Hollywood: I would say it were a sufficient size.
Romeo: Well if it were a sufficient enough size then I would say roll a rock!

Diddy: Who is your favourite action hero?
Romeo: great question. hmm. i really like spiderman. cause he can shoot spider webs aaaaaand kind of fly. it's like flying a kite but he's the kite and it's upside-down. i think i might get nautious though. i wonder if that's part of the genetic mutation.

Hollywood: If you were an American/Canadian Idol – What song would you sing me? --- Me specifically!!
Diddy: are you a judge?
Hollywood: nope – I’m just me
Romeo: I would probably sing…… hmmm…. Hmmm… I don’t think I would sing?
Diddy: what would you do?
Romeo: I would probably cry – or tell a story? But if I had to sing then I would probably sing “Oh Canada” because that’s the only song I know all the words too.
Diddy: well what story would you tell to Hollywood?
Romeo: I would tell him a story about a lost boy who travels through the forest and finds a giant meat ball and then the giant meat ball eats him.

Diddy: What is the craziest forest adventure you have ever been on?

Romeo: WOW, umm.. oh SHOOT! so, last spring I went on a spring-venture with Scuba Steve, and Donatello, and Parker... so i was driving, and we picked everyone up. flashlights and special gloves... always good for these kinds of excursions... so we drove to what I thought was Rattlesnake point, but it wasn't. I asked the man at the gate where it was... and asked him if the adventure would work there. he said yes, and the true adventure began. (i'll give you the coles notes!) we proceeded to journey through the forest until we began to stumble upon a series of elaborate caves... some were large and some were small.... but then we found the cave of caves. it was a crack in the niagara escarpment, and it was dark and wet and cold. after 20 minutes journeying back and forth down into the cave i saw a light at the bottom. i followed the light (as you're always supposed to do in a tunnel), all four of us came out at the bottom of the cave.... sunshine was everywhere and so were rocks. we looked up and saw an 80 FOOT CLIFF. we realized that our journey had begun at the TOP of that cliff. (story to be continued.... at a explorer campfire site nearest you...)

Hollywood: Now you go on a lot of adventures – and I bet you like to sit a lot - What do you think chairs would look like if our knees where on the back of our legs?
Romeo: Well they would be “U” ‘s !! Or perhaps “L”s with a longer “L” part – like La-Z-boy!

Diddy: what is something that the camp world doesn't know about you that you'd like them to know?
Romeo: i am excellent at baking things. like sticky cinnabon buns, for example.

Hollywood: Who is your Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Romeo: Great question!!...?.... I don’t know what it takes to be somebody’s Arnold Schwarzenegger – But I would say Scuba Steve? Just because he is very important in my life.
Diddy: I think Scuba Steve is everybody’s Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Diddy: Describe the perfect scenario for kite flying (include weather, location, etc.)
Romeo: my eyes just got really big. the wind would probably be between 30 and 40 km per hour. it would take place in the afternoon, and the wind should be blowing east so i don't have to stare at the sun. at the beach. warm ocean. bare feet. ice cream and good company to rotate for eating ice cream. not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.

Hollywood :If you could be Shuffle for a day – What would you do for the day?
Romeo: I already have my outfit planned!! There is a florecent pink hat waiting on my dresser for when that day comes… Well I would HAVE to hang out in Blaze – Or go on a road trip. Well I know less about what he does out of camp other than playing kite with me. But assuming this is a camp day – I would play a People size Rock Paper Scissors. Or that other one you guys play, what is it.....?
Diddy: Umm... Dinosaur – egg – and Chicken. I thiiink? Oh no, I forget!
Romeo- Diddy is saying all this, NOT me Shuffle!!
Diddy – Oh dear. Sorry Shuff, I forget.
Romeo: I would probably visit the tuck shop! I would play Frisbee bare foot and be AMAZING at it. And then I would go visit Romeo! And then finish my day off with a nice camp fire!
Diddy- What size camp fire?
Romeo: A Shuffle-sized Camp Fire!!

Diddy: If you could be someone else for one day who would it be, and why?
Romeo: My first thought was Barack Obama, then i thought maybe joseph coney (and i could make peace in northern uganda in a day... but only if the day ended, cause it wouldn't be fun to be him for a day). i think joseph coney. try free all the child soldiers before the sun set.

Hollywood: If you could tame a lion – would you teach it to waltz?....... And could I waltz with it?
Romeo: If I couuuuld tame a lion. Would I teach it to waltz?.... Nope!
Romeo: Nope – that sounds dangerous. I don’t think im that good at taming so I wouldn’t want to put anyone in danger by waltzing with it. Unless I could tame another Lion to waltz with it. But then I’d need a Teem of lion trainers!
Hollywood: A Teem!? As in you would tame Teem to waltz?
Romeo: No no, I would need a Team of people to tame the waltzing lions!

Diddy: If you had to make a medicine for something - what flavour would it be?
Romeo: freezie flavoured. the white kind. like coconut freezies.

Hollywood: If you could think up the most ULTIMATE Ultimate Frisbee team using famous Movie Characters – who would be on your team?

Romeo: Bob from What about Bob – (Bill Murray)
Jim Carrey
Diddy: Because you think his arms are longer?
Romeo: No! because he would distract people with his facial reactions – Oh, Spider man! (he would be a really big help – we would only need to do enzone passes!)
Diddy: There are no girls yet!!
Diddy: Yeah haha! What ever you want
Romeo: I’m going to leave it at that. The 4 of us will take the world!
Diddy: Well the hulk is on the other team!
Romeo: Well we have Spider man!! C’mon!
Diddy: Well the Hulk will hold on to him.
Romeo: Then that would be a holding foul!!! This isn’t an alternate rules game! We will win!

Diddy: Anything you want to say to all the excited Explorers out there?
Romeo: Imagine your excitement multiplied by 10.... THAT is how excited i am. i cannot wait for this summer, Explorer men and women, morning dip, activities, kitchen sink, games and campfires. this summer is going to be off the HOOK... so dream big, send me your ideas( )... the X is WHAT?

AND THAT - Ladies and Gentlemen and children from ages 5 to 10 --was "Step up to the Mic" with Diddy and Hollywood!
Thanks to Romeo who was SOOO much fun to chat too! We are SOOOO pumped for camp!
AND for our next interview......
Tune in SOON for "Step Up to the Mic's" special interview with our Camp Rock star - bringing us the hit music and leading us through our jumpin worship songs ----------
(Drum roll please, Tyson Burger).............................................. BONZAI!!!!
This is Diddy and Hollywood signing out - Happy Tomorrow!