Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Welcome to the brand NEW issue of “STEP UP TO THE MIC” with Diddy and Hollywood! On today’s interview we will be sitting down with


a long time Camp Adventurer and friend to all whom dwell upon the seven sea’s…… Not the Seven C’s. Save them for Sesame Street.

Hello all, Diddy here!........ Now we WERE going to interview Rizzo tonight….. But the we has turned out to be me. Now Rizzo and I just can’t seem to find Hollywood!!! We called his mother and all we got was a –

Motherwood – He’s gone out to a show.

So we shall wait here for him to get back………………...................................………..

(2 days later)

Hey everybody! We are back! We got back Hollywood!
-heee heee sorry!
And on with our long awaited interview with “Rizzo”.

Hey Rizzo! Let’s start you off with some of our classic WARM UP questions to warm up your blood!
pepsi or coke?
crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
mm... uh, crunchy
trick or treat?
That's a tricky one... TRICK, if i'm playing the trick. otherwise- treat, i don't like tricks being played on me
chalk board or white board:
White board: brighter colours!!
squirrel or rabbit?
Oh my goodness! that's the toughest question i've ever heard! umm, BE a squirrel, but own a rabbit.

lemon or lime?


And now to the BIG ONES!!!!

Diddy: What is your job @ camp this summer?
Rizzo: I am on program team and i'm also doing some hanging out with staff while planning awesome fun

Hollywood - A Question that has boggled my mind for some time now and I was hoping that you would know the answer – Keep in mind that this could very well save the world one day if we keep this answer on the record……. Do Penguins have Knees?

Rizzo - hmmm, I wish I had Wikipedia! Yes?! Somewhere in there!

Diddy: Who is your favourite Disney character and why?

Rizzo: (gasp) these are toughies... Belle, because she reads and she's not afraid to not fit in and she's not afraid to love a beast.

Hollywood - If I were a Juke Box – what song would you want to listen to?

Rizzo - Hmm – You specifically?
Hollywood - oh yeah
Rizzo - Probably Build me up Buttercup

Diddy: Someone makes a statue of you - where in the world would you like for it to be placed for all time?

Rizzo: Probably in my living room.

Hollywood - Why is Ketchup only really good on French fries and NOT mashed potatoes?

Rizzo - Because a long time ago Mashed potatoes got into a fight with Ketchup and now they refuse to get along!

Diddy: Describe the way you go about brushing your teeth.

Rizzo: I like to start brushing with my front teeth, up and down with the toothbrush on my teeth, then in a circular motion, then to the middle teeth and then the back. then i floss because flossing is important.

Hollywood - Are there any questions you would like to ask me?

(Diddy - Way to write a cop out question Hollywood! Haha)

Rizzo - If you had the opportunity to be an astronaut or breathe under water what would you choose and why?!

(pause) You’re not going to answer it!?

Hollywood - Nope! I ask the questions here!!!
Rizzo - Hahaha!

Diddy: Which of the 'Rice Krispies' characters is your favourite: Snap, Crackle or Pop?

Rizzo: let me think about this - i think 'Snap' ... because he's the one with the red hair and I'm always partial to red heads.

Hollywood - Would you desert your dessert in the desert in order to read a book about reeds to my cousin Reid?

Rizzo - I’m allergic to desserts! - But as long as I wouldn’t have to read a book then yes!

Diddy: Which was your favourite Saturday morning cartoon growing up.
Rizzo: I really liked Darkwinged Duck... Because he's the terror that flaps in the night.

Hollywood - What’s one word that rhymes with Orange?

Rizzo - Gorange

Diddy: How many items did you win @ "ROLL UP THE RIM" this year so far?

Rizzo: ZERO - it doesn't make me happy at all. I was hoping for the laptop, then my friend won the laptop.

Hollywood - What am I pointing at right now?

Rizzo - Your own face?!!
Hollywood - WRONG!!! A Tie!!!! AHAAAA

Diddy: Give your honest opinion about rollercoasters.

Rizzo: they're really fun except for the wooden ones. those ones i feel like i'm going to fall off.

Hollywood - Is the price ACTUALLY right?

Rizzo - (Pausing for thought) Never!

Diddy: Can you give us a hint of what to expect from theme this summer?

Rizzo: there will be a lot of mystery, music and miscellaneous monkeys.

Hollywood - Have you ever tried to slam a revolving door?

Rizzo - Yeah I did try once! But then I broke it! But it broke into halves instead of four pieces!

Diddy: What is the greatest camp memory you have?
Rizzo: That time we made the fire on the water. (That was hard to choose)

Hollywood - And so Rizzo we go to my last-o question-o… Ahem, and the last of our interview!
- What is the Mathematical formula used to determine the area within the whole of a doughnut?

Rizzo - My finger?

CLASSIC! And that was our special “Step up to the Mic” with RIZZO! Tune in next time when we sit down and……. And of course when we say sit down – we mean sit in each of our houses and call up on the phone …… ANYWAY… ahem… What was I saying – OH YES! – Our next special interview will be with our fearless FUN loving/embracing 50% of our EXTREME EXPLORNG EXAMPLE of EXCELLENCE within our EXAMPLARY group of EXCITING EXCURSION EXPLORERS taking tick tick tick tick tick tick
TOOTHPASTE….………………………….. ahem……

– “ROMEO”!!!!!!

This is Diddy and Hollywood – signing off.

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Monday, April 20, 2009


With Diddy and Hollywood!!

Like the most famous/historic conversations – there are few that stick out in mind…………………………………. There are none as a matter of fact. BUT when I think of our next guest, one specific conversation does stick out in my thoughts.

Winnie the Pooh: What sort of lunch is in that lunchbox?
Gopher: Here, a... let me see here... summer squash, summer salad, succotash, custard, and honey.
Winnie the Pooh: Honey?
(Hearing from inside) Rabbit: Honey!? Oh, no!
Winnie the Pooh: Could you spare a small smackerel?

AND NOW - our very own inspiring young talent of a man - THE NEXT TO STEP UP TO THE MIC!!!!!.........................


Diddy: Welcome to the mic,
Shuffle. How 'bout a warm up with some either or's? Pokemon or Digimon.
Shuffle: Pokemon, no question.
Diddy: Beauty & the Beast or Cinderella?
Shuffle: Beauty & the Beast, 'cause of Belle.
Diddy: Lion King or Aladdin?
Shuffle: Lion King.
Diddy: Winnie the Pooh or Tigger
Shuffle: Tigger.

Are you coming back to camp this summer? If Yes – what will you be doing?

Shuffle: Nope – can’t make it this summer. But seriously the answer is yes – for a couple weeks – a couple of weeks being the whole summer – as the Blaze Deputy.

Diddy: If you could be any cartoon character, who would you be? And, why?

Shuffle: Timone - just cause he's got a wilderness fortress....a hangout... i like chilling in the woods with my best buddy pumbah. or, I would be Rasputin.

Hollywood: If you were a platypus what colour marker would you use to color with?

Shuffle: Forest green. Because that is a platypus’s favourite color.

Diddy: What are a few of your favourite things about being Blaze Deputy?

Shuffle: I'd have to say... combo-packs, our campfire, our basketball court - right on our front door, riiiiight?

Hollywood: What do you think of when I say the word “Journey to the center of the earth, but back in time for Pizza?”

Shuffle: Was that one word? But I would think – My plans for next Saturday? – You wanna come?

Diddy: What's your favourite part of the day @ camp?

Shuffle: Combination of lunch and kitchen sink, or dinner and evening program or breakfast and activities.

Hollywood: If I were 2 inches taller would you ask me to play basketball with you?

Shuffle: If you were two inches taller? Well I would still not be threatened so I would sayyyyyyyyyyy – yes. I have extreme lank – It’s easy to reach far. *LANK*

Diddy: What was the highlight of your summer in 2008?

Shuffle: The last friday was a great day, it had a medieval feast with horses, and a wicked campfire... so, THAT'S the best and most recent in my camp memory.

Hollywood: I like guitars – I like to boogy – What do you do that makes people go – “Oh look its Shuffle!”?

Shuffle: My Pink Hat.

Diddy: What's the story on the bright pink hat?

Shuffle: Uhh, well the first one was in the student council office in my highschool, and had Pizza Pizza on it... and since then it's become a tradition. shuffle = pink hat.

Hollywood: What animal is best?

Shuffle: (Without hesitation) Otter – Because Otters ALWAYS have a good time.

Diddy: Can you give us a hint about the "plans" and what we can expect from the Program Team this year?

Shuffle: You can expect a lot of the unexpected :D heehee.

Hollywood: What size volleyball is too big?

Shuffle: Ummm does this have a right answer? – Umm Beach….Volleyball is too big? I don’t know what to say – perhaps the ones that are used by the Brontosauruses?

Diddy: Do you have any exciting new games for Blaze?

Shuffle: More fire and spice, and more pizazz, and probably more running.

Hollywood: If you could fly – would you swim?

Shuffle: HA – if this is not but the same question posed to our friends the flying fish, for their answers would be the same as mine! Why fly when you can swim, but why swim when you can fly? I shall leave it at that.

Diddy: What do you do when you're not in Blaze?

Shuffle: Maybe I'm in the dining hall, program trailer, or crow's nest, tuck shop or waterfront..... uhh, oh! I go to school in Peterborough where I am in the process of becoming a high school teacher.

Hollywood: If you had a million dollars – Would you make a giant pancake to help feed the world?

Shuffle: Hmmm. I would probably make a giant waffle. Because Waffles capture the syrup in each individual square… People could swim in them. I probably wouldn’t join them but I could watch.

Diddy: What's your plan for your next school year?

Shuffle: I'm not going to be in Peterborough... I'm going to be in Malta... which, is a TINY island/country close to Italy that only has like a... (he took a break with his calculator)... Malta, right! there's a 20th of Toronto's population and it has an average temperature of 16 degrees. Also, if you're curious, check out Acts chapter 27, where you will find what Malta has a national holiday for. Also, I'm going to try and see as much of Europe and the Mediterranean as I can.... some barcelona... lots of places. Egypt, for example, and those pyramids. (then, mumbled to himself and begun day dreaming...)

Hollywood: If you were to rent a movie and then mail it to me – What movie do you think would be the most entertaining to watch?

Shuffle: Right now I’m going to say – Kung Fu Panda – because it’s sitting on my desk, and it’s incredible.

Diddy: Why do you hang out at camp every summer?

Shuffle: Because camp is one of the greatest places to be and has a wonderful combination of lots of sun and fun, and friends having fun (ooo!), and being out in nature all day and night. AND, grill cheese sandwiches.

Hollywood: How do you make the Perfect Sandwhich?

Shuffle: That’s a very good question. Well, I start by lightly toasting the bread. It’s got light brown things but it isn’t burnt. Just a tad crunchy. I would add a small smackerel of Mayonnaise. Then a combination of Turkey/Chickan and Bacon and then I would melt on both swiss and marble cheese. And then I would put on some romaine lettuce and tomatoes and green peppers and dill pickles….. Add on the tooth picks and cut the sandwiches into two squares.

Thank you very much Shuffle! We can’t wait to see you this summer!

Shuffle: OH For sure! I can’t wait!

And thus concludes our special “Step up to the Mic” with Shuffle! We thank him for his time and free lightly SHmeared bagel’s and cream cheese! Tune in next time for "Step Up To The Mic's EXCLUSIVE interview with AC's very own ------ "RIZZO" !!

This is Diddy and Hollywood signing off – “KEEP IT CRISPY!!!”


Welcome to another STEP UP TO THE MIC with Diddy and Hollywood!
This is our special Wacky Waving Webber craving Wedding edition of Step up to the Mic. Now OPC is filled with wonderful people - and amongst all of our wonderful staff whom have gotten married we bring to you our very own…
AC Newlywed's Edition of STEP UP TO THE MIC!
with "Medley & Swiss"!

Welcome Swiss and Medley!! We are very happy to have you stepping up to the mic as our first duet. Now to warm you up let's begin with our classic "either or" questions. But as a special for you two - we will ask you an either or question and you need to answer which one of you does this most!

Swiss: Great!
Medley: Fun!

Diddy: Let’s begin! Who makes the coffee in the morning?
Swiss&Medley: Swiss!

Diddy: Who does the dishes?
Swiss&Medley: We both do! The dishwasher does!

Diddy: Who handles the remote?
Swiss&Medley: Swiss (for fast forwarding purposes, and stopping at the right time) and Medley (all other times).

Diddy: Who reads more books?
Swiss&Medley: Definitely Swiss (though, medley likes children's books)

Diddy: Who has more baby pictures?
Both: Equal.

Diddy: Who has cuter baby pictures?

Swiss: I'll say medley... Medley: I'll also say me!

Now on to our interview guys!
Diddy: Can you tell the readers what exciting event took place on December 27th, 2008?!

Swiss: Not Chrisssssstmas, that was a bit earlier.... oh, it was OUR wedding!! That's when we got married!!

Hollywood: If you saw a heat wave - would you wave back?

Swiss: hmmm - was it waving in a friendly manner? Or aggressively like "you get over here!!" I would say I would point and wink at him.
Medley: I think I would wave back - and yep! That's all.
Swiss- There's a black cat outside! Medley!! Look he's walking in the parking lot.
Medley - Pay attention!
Swiss - Okay fine.
Medley- OH!! I see it!!

Diddy: What are your plans for the summer?

Swiss: My plan is to learn medicine and to come to Adventure Camp on weekends unless I'm on call.
Medley: My plan is to work at the place in outer space, Adventure Camp, in the wonderful place called the Lodge where the Discovery Village lives.

Hollywood: Now because you guys went to the zoo today I feel like you guys know a lot about animals! ("Swiss "YEAH WE ARE!") - SO - If a turtle lost its shell - would it be homeless?

Swiss - Hmm that's a good question!
Medley - I think it would be homeless but perhaps it could find another shell like a hermit crap! Because hermit crabs move from shell to shell. Or maybe like a very large muscle or a clam - then it can just crawl in and join them.
Swiss: I think he would just be embarrassed.
Medley: So like embarrassed and homeless?
Swiss: Yeah, and especially embarrassed.

Diddy: What do you do when you're not at camp?

Medley: When I'm not at camp I like to hang out with friends at school... my students, and they're in grade 1 and 2, we learn lots of fun stuff, play a lot and sing a lot.
Swiss: and me, i got to work to learn how to become a doctor, and every once in a while i hear with my super-hearing somebody in need, then i have to go into a phone booth and spin in circles and fly to their rescue.
Medley: Are you Clark Kent? Swiss: No, I'm Swiss.

Hollywood: What would you say if when you were talking to God and he sneezed?

Swiss: Gazunteight!
Medley: I think I'd wonder if he had boogers. Then I'd get him a tissue but I don't know if he has boogers. Does God have boogers?
Swiss: Of course! It's not like they are a sin!
Medley: But I would probably say bless you
Diddy: would you need to?
Medley: Oh maybe not!!

*Special Edition Rules: answers must be written on papers and cannot be changed after answering begins...

Diddy: a) how long have you known each other (in months)?

Swiss: 168 months... 8 years old
Medley: Ooops. Heehee. 192 when I was 7 years old - wait - I was 7 when you were 8, oh no... I can't do math.
Swiss: oh NO! I did it wrong!!
Medley: Yessss!!.. best news ever! You had to tutor me in math too. I win!

Hollywood: Now specifically for Swiss - a medical question if you will - If you jog backwards will you gain weight?

Swiss – Hmmm. Nope I don't think so. I think you would still lose weight but very well fall over. And also it may be different if you were eating something at the same time.
Medley - Like a Big Mac!
Swiss - Yeah like a Big Mac!!

Diddy: b) how long have you been together (in months)?

Medley: 85 months
Swiss: 84 months
Medley: Oops! I added March.
Swiss: We were just friends! Okay fine, 85

Hollywood: Teaching question for Medley - Why is the Alphabet in that specific order?

Hmmm - I think it's because it makes a nice song - (She begins to sing) A b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p (Swiss - It makes a better song if you're American) q r s t u v w x y ZED! Now I know my ABC's next time wont you sing with Med! - Hah! I got you Swiss!

Diddy: Swiss, give us 3 words that describe Medley, and Medley, give us 3 words that describe Swiss! (Follows same * rule)

Swiss: Oh sorry I'm looking up the real reason for the Order of the Alphabet on Wikipedia! Hahaha Alright fine I'll write three words! Okay - Funny!
Medley: (gasp) you stole mine!! Funny
Swiss: cute
Medley: aw, I like that one. Mine second's brilliant - because he's just a very smart person, not just school smart but in life, and just very knowledgeable…
Swiss: friendly
Medley: steady - like a tree. or a rock, maybe. But you know, you can always count on him... like a tree.

Hollywood: If a cow laughed - would milk come out of its nose?

Medley - Hehehe
Swiss - Milk comes out of my nose!
Medley - Are you a cow? - If it were drinking milk maybe. Milk only comes out of your nose unless you were drinking it.. Sometimes boogers come out of my nose when I laugh!
Swiss - Is it a Holstein cow or a Jersey cow? I need this kind of clarification!
Hollywood - Jersey
Swiss - Ahhh Chocolate milk then!
Medley - Yes Chocolate milk! One time Pepsi came out of my nose!

Diddy: If you had to describe the other person in a colour, what would it be?

Swiss: probably brown, haha KIDDING. lets go with bright purple, or maybe yellow! Bright yellow. I like yellow.
Medley: Swiss would be burnt orange.
Swiss: Because I'm earthy, like a lumberjack!
Medley: or plaid, maybe plaid. Wait, that's not a colour. Or red, like a fire. I don't know why I chose burnt orange, maybe it's because you have a shirt that colour. Maybe green? Like a TREE! ‘cause i said he was a tree before, let's go with green.

Hollywood: What came first - the fruit or the color orange?

Medley - What order did God create that stuff in? I think that the color came first because God made the sun first and the sun gives us color.
Swiss - I think that the color came first - Actually I think the fruit came first.. I don't know!!
Diddy - Do you agree with Medley’s answer?
Swiss - Oh I wasn't paying attention.
Medley - The Sun!! Oh maybe the fruit DID! Because people needed food!
Diddy - But the sun was created before people!
Swiss - Are we talking about the actual word or the color? Because I think.. Oh forget my answer because I'm just confused!

Diddy: If you had to have a pet instead of a Medley/Swiss, what animal would it be?

Medley: I know, a spider monkey! We went to the zoo today and the spider monkey's are soooo cool... they hang from their tails. Swiss, I know what you're going to say... gorillas. he spent 45 minutes watching them today at the zoo... and he knows their names, like 'Charles', and 'Josephine'...
Swiss: yeah, they were cool. But my answer is pot belly pig. Because they would rescue me in the case of a fire... OH!! I changed my answer!! The color is named after the orange fruit, introduced to Europe via the Sanskrit word nāranja. Before this was introduced to the English-speaking world, the color was referred to (in Old English) as geoluhread, which translates into Modern English as yellow-red.

Hollywood - You're still thinking of the Orange question?! Hahaha!

Medley - YOU'RE Cheating you're using Wikipedia!
Swiss - No...................................... YEAH! Hahaha.

Hollywood: Is there another word for Synonym?

(At the same time) "HMMMMM" (Practically in harmony)
Swiss - Another word for Synonym? That's a good question! Do you have an answer Medley? I don't think there is.
Medley - No I don't think so either! And DON'T look it up on Wikipedia Swiss!!
Swiss - Or at least not in the English language
Medley - No looking on Wikipedia again!

Diddy: Which Disney pair best describes you two?

a) Belle & the Beast
b) Snow White & Prince Charming
c) Lady & the Tramp
d) Fox & the Hound

Swiss: I think Tarzan and Jane...
Medley: That wasn't an option...
Swiss: Hans solo and Chewbacca...
Medley: NOT an option. (I'd be Hans solo, you'd be Chewbacca.... *medley makes Chewbacca noise*) umm, I think belle and the beast.... because I really like the yellow dress that she wears at the end and I'd like to wear a dress like that one time.
Swiss: Lady and the Tramp because I enjoy spaghetti
Medley: but I do look like snow white, and Swiss is charming sometimes - so I change my answer to B.

Hollywood: What was the best thing before sliced bread?

Medley - What was that bread without any flower? Oh, crumbled up unleavened bread!
Swiss - A nice sharp bread knife!

Diddy: What is your favourite item in the tuck shop?

Medley: PEP's
Swiss: Coke!

Hollywood: Now there have been mixed emotions and arguments about this for years - but I feel now that we sit here with both a Doctor and a Teacher we can get down to a logical answer and just agree once and for all. Why did the Chicken REALLY cross the road?

Swiss - Why did he cross the road? Maybe he was hungry and there was a restaurant on the other side?
Medley - Or maybe he was out for a nice brisk walk! And there was a street in his path. OH I have a joke about Eagles. Want to hear it?!

Hollywood & Diddy - YES!

Medley - Why was the Eagle on TV all the time? Because he has talons! You know like talents! Heehe Also! We saw a moose today at the zoo! It almost ate Swiss' hand!

Diddy: Medley - Here's your chance to tell us how excited you are to be back in Discovery this summer, and give a shoutout. Swiss, you can also give a shoutout if you'd like.

Medley: I am more than more than more than morrree than excited to be in Discovery. Shoutout to discovery: 'MOOOOOOOOSE.'
Swiss: we saw a moose today at the zoo....
Medley: and 'I love you Disco and I'm pumped to hang out with you at camp this summer. hip hip hooray'.
Swiss: general shout out: I'm going to miss you all, I'm glad I can see you on the weekends.

AND THAT ladies and gentlemen was our very own Medley and Swiss! We were extremely excited to have you guys Step up to the Mic and we hope you guys continue to have as much fun as it sounds like you guys are having! And to our readers out there in before-camp world - Keep on reading, and please tell us what you think on our "comment" link!

Later this week on our series you can expect some WILD interviews! So stay tuned in on our Adventure Camp page and be excited for our next interview.... The one.. The only.. The pink hat wearing...... SHUFFLE!!!

This is Diddy and Hollywood signing off... And in case we don't see yah, SLAP ON A HAT! SLOP ON SOME SUNSCREEN and get out in this amazing world and have some fun!!


ADVENTURE CAMP - you have waited LONG ENOUGH!!
And so, without any further ado... we give you:
Starring: JOVI


Diddy: Hot Dogs or POGOs?

Jovi: Hot Dogs, ‘cause you can stuck more stuff in beside it.
Diddy: Sing Karaoke or Go Bowling?
Jovi: Sing Karaoke!!
Diddy: Any reason why?
Jovi: It’s in my blood!
Diddy: Red Licorice or Red Lollipops?
Jovi: Can I say Nibs? Mmm.. NIBS! Hands down.
Diddy: Chocolate or Vanilla?
Jovi: Vanilla
Diddy: Dogs or Cats?
Jovi: Cats


Hollywood: Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

Jovi: Hahaha - I have no clue what to say to that! Umm, No? Because there will be no way to answer something without exactly answering it?

Diddy: What are you going to be doing at camp this summer?

Jovi: I will be the incredible Explorer Deputy, and I am so pumped because we are going to have THE summer of a lifetime.

Hollywood: How do you feel about the name “Byron”?

Jovi: BYRON?! I love that name because it's like "Byron Sully" and he was a character on Dr.Quinn, the medicine woman.
And, is everything I say on the record?

Diddy: Yes.

Jovi: Oh- haha, okay!

Diddy: Have you been to Adventure Camp before?

Jovi: Yes I have, this is my first full summer back in three summers. Before that, I was at AC for three years. and last summer I came for a week (in BLAZE).

Hollywood: I was thinking of becoming a Vegetarian – do you think it’d still be alright to eat animal crackers?

Jovi: No! It wouldn’t!!! That’s terrible!!! You know how they make them right? The animals make them!! You would eat their creations! That’s like eating their art!

Diddy: What kind of theme song can we expect to accompany your dancing
this summer?

Jovi: Oo... ahh, it's still undecided, but it's one that everyone can't help but dance along with... that kind of song that you're in a really bad mood and you play it and you automatically get up and dance, and the rest of your day is amazing.

Hollywood: As a dancer you see talent all the time – Do you think I’d make a good Cheerleader?

Jovi: Hehehe – Ummm... (laughter) Absolutely! From the first moment I saw you dance – I thought yes you should be in my class!

Diddy: What do you do when you're not at camp?

Jovi: Basically sing and dance, when I'm supposed to and when I'm not supposed to.

Hollywood: Would you prefer a square pizza in a round box?

Jovi: OR IT COULD BE a heart shaped pizza in a square box. Wait, what was the question? Square pizza in a round box? I think I would prefer a round pizza in a round box.

Diddy: What dance move would you say you identify with the most as a dancer? Why?
A) Michael Jackson's moonwalk
B) the Robot
C) Billy Elliot's ballet
D) the YMCA actions

Jovi: Umm, not A, no matter how hard I try, I can't do the moonwalk. (Hollywood & Jovi debate on who can do the robot.... and there is now to be a ROBOT CHALLENGE between them THIS SUMMER). Not C, Billy Elliot is just... glorious. Yeah, D, I can bust the YMCA pretty good.

Hollywood: What’s another word for Thesaurus?

Jovi: Tyrannosaurus!!! ummmm. No no!! I first thought that a Thesaurus was a Dinosaur!!! But when I first said it I realised you meant the boooook!!!!! Hahaha…Ummm – Alright!... My Answer is Tyrannosaurus! Haha Because I don’t know what to say!

Diddy: What's your favourite cereal?

Jovi: Aww. That is the HARDEST QUESTION EVER. Cereal is my all-time favourite food!

Diddy: Alright, go for top 3.

Jovi: top 3 favourite: Reese's Peanut Butter Pops, Frosted Mini Wheats - because the milk gets sucked up in them and then when you bite into them you get a burst of milk, and good old-fashioned cheerios, old-school original style with brown sugar.

Hollywood: Would you foxtrot your way back to the future?

Jovi: TO the future? Ummm Foxtrot no… Break dance, YES!

Diddy: Describe the perfect weather.

Jovi: Ooo.... okay - Cloudy day, nice mild/warm temperature (like, let's say 22 degrees), there's a nice strong breeze flowing through the air. I have a name for these days - they're called "du-du-du-du-du days".

Hollywood: If I were Carmen Sandiego – Where in the world would you hope I would be?

Jovi: Umm.. On a pontoon boat, on the rivers of Brazil!! That just came to my head!

Diddy: What's your opinion of toe socks?

Jovi: They're GREAT, they're amazing. Best invention ever.

Hollywood: If life were like a box of chocolates – What type would you want?

Jovi: Caramel filled ones because they last longer and they take longer to chew. So really, life would be longer? No?

Diddy: What are you looking forward to the most about the summer?

Jovi: I am so pumped to meet all the campers that are coming to Adventure Camp, getting to know them, and laughing dancing and singing all day and all night long.

Hollywood: How many cups of Coffee does it take to get to the moon?

Jovi: haha – NONE! Because Coffee is bad for you! So don’t drink it when you get to the moon!

Diddy: What should Explorers know about you?

Jovi: umm... (takes a moment)... this one's hard, I'm the one who loves to hear a good joke, see a funky dance or hear a great song or any other amazing talent that you may have, so if you've got one, I
wanna see it... because it will brighten my day!!!

(Hollywood & Diddy: Thank you, Jovi. We can't wait to see you at camp!)

And THAT, readers, was our very FIRST

“Step up to the Mic! With Diddy and Hollywood!"

TUNE IN NEXT TIME for our special edition “Step up to the Mic!” with
Adventure Camp Newlyweds – the adorable “Medley” and “Swiss”!!

This is Diddy and Hollywood signing off……


WELCOME ladies and gentlemen, and children of all ages to “STEP UP TO THE MIC” with Diddy and Hollywood!

Now before we get started on our very first posting allow us to introduce ourselves. You may recognise Diddy from her role as the BLAZE Mayor and Hollywood from his many recurring roles within OPC’s musical productions with the Clearwater Players! And together - we make the ultimate interviewing machine - bringing you the most mind blowing - tear jerking - Ketchup craving interviews this side of the ozone!

“Step up to the Mic” is an interview series where Diddy and Hollywood bring to you hilarious interviews with your favourite AC staff! Throughout the weeks leading up to Camp we will be posting fun interviews introducing you to new staff and old staff and what they will be doing this summer and their AMAZING surprises they hold for us this summer! So slap on a hat – slop on some sunscreen and AWWWAAAYYYYYY WE GO!
The first to step up to the Mic with us today will be non other than AC’s very own dancing queen – “JOVI”!!!